5 myths about the camp Round Lake
First myth is hazard and extreme to live for 10 days in a tent somewhere in a forest. Only well-trained sportsmen are able to cope with it.
The truth. Even in a forest you can live comfortably. The sleeping bags, tourist mats, tents, (which are brought by the participants themselves or provided by the camp managers), the field canteen with wooden tables and benches which is situated in a military. marquee or tent, another large tent for studying, a meeting square (in Russian it is named каре [ka`r?]), ‘country’ loo, shower cabin, and even traveling bathhouse…. One can easily adjust oneself to field conditions with all these facilities
Second myth is nowhere to hide in the forest, while raining. You have to wet, freeze, sit still and have a tedious time
The truth. All of the Round Lake participants have already become convinced of the possibility to wait till the rain is over in their own tents or in the canteen and studying ones. Sooner or later the rain will stop and then the clothes would dry on the washing lines you can warm up near the camp fire, drink a cup of hot, strong tea.Third myth the camp one has to starve, eat only cereal (gruel) and tinned stewed meat.
The truth. Many Roundlakers (it is a comic endearing nickname of the camp participants) can’t but admit that even at home they sometimes do not eat such nourishing and various food. Hot meal is compulsory three times a day (according to the internal timetable). For instance, a usual, everyday dinner consists of a first and second course. You may also get a cup of tee, coffee or kissel (a sweet drink resembling thin jelly). The meal is prepared by the volunteers on the field kitchen. They are also responsible for short-lived products delivery and storage. So every week they drive to the nearest village or townfor bread, butter and vegetables.
Fourth myth is not only a camp but also a seminar. One has to sit out the boring lectures for several hours.
The truth. It is true that several hours a day (~5-6) are considered to be for studies (with breaks, of course).Lectures are rare. Usually the time is spend in role-playing, hot and live discussions, debates, sport competitions.
Fifth myth is boring in the camp because there is a poor choice of entertainment – only walking in the forest and a rare possibility to swim and bake in the sun. Disabled people are not allowed to swim in the lake out of caution and for their own sake.
The truth. The term Round Lake means a lot of different interesting actions, communicationwith extraordinary people,jollyperformances near the evening camp-fire, guitar and drums songs and the bright moon and star light. Everybodymay swim in the lake or just flounder about at free time. If a person feels uncertainty in the water, the can ask the volunteers for help. They can give any participant a lesson of swimming.
Летний интеграционный палаточный лагерь-семинар «Круглое озеро-2024»: отдыхай и развивайся!

Приглашаем молодых людей от 18-ти до 30-ти лет (в том числе и тех, у кого есть различные физические ограничения) провести 10 самых активных, веселых, увлекательных и познавательных дней в летнем интеграционном палаточном лагере-семинаре «Круглое озеро-2024». Целью лагеря является активизация и интеграция молодежи.
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